About Us

Domain Privacy Protector is a service provided by Domain Privacy Protector Limited and offers WHOIS Privacy protection services for domain owners.

Domain privacy protector works by stopping your personal details from being displayed within the WHOIS database. When anyone searches your domain, they’ll see our privacy protector details – not your name, address and phone number.

Your details remain on-file as the legal domain name owner, and any legitimate enquiries sent to the domain privacy protector address are forwarded on to you.

If you see Domain Privacy Protector Limited listed for a domain name in a WHOIS database, this does not mean that Domain Privacy Protector is the owner of the domain.

If you believe a domain name using Domain Privacy Protector services is being used for any illegal activity, please let us know. We will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action where needed.

Contact Domain Owner

If you wish to reach the owner of a domain using Domain Privacy Protection, you can contact the owner by sending an email to the contact address shown on the WHOIS database. Your email is forwarded automatically to the contact’s email address.

Please be aware that domain owners are not required to respond to emails. If you wish to report any abuse of our service, please use the form below.

Terms of Service

  1. Customers who Order Domain Privacy Protector have elected to include the following information in the publicly available WHOIS Registry:
    1. The Registrant and Contacts name(s) shall appear as Domain Privacy Protector Ltd.
    2. The postal address, assigned email address, and telephone number shall appear on behalf of the Registrant and the Contact(s) as Domain Privacy Protector Ltd.
    3. The original date of registration and the expiration of each domain name.
  2. The Customer agrees and understands that the registrant and Contact Information that is provided for the purpose of domain name registration will be kept on file. The Customer further agrees and warrants that they will ensure that the WHOIS Information is true, accurate and up to date.
  3. The Customer will retain complete control over the domain name and its registration records and may suspend Domain Privacy Protector at its discretion through the Account Control Panel.
  4. Domain Privacy Protector may be used with both new and existing domain name registrations. The Customer may use Domain Privacy Protector with respect to a domain name that has been transferred but it will only commence after the transfer has been completed.
  5. The Customer agrees and understands that the Domain Privacy Protector must be disabled in order to initiate the transfer and that registrant and Contact Information that was masked by Domain Privacy Protector will become publicly accessible via the WHOIS service.
  6. Renewal and transfer related messages will be sent to the contacts as defined in the Contact Information designated by the Customer at the Initial Order and/or subsequently updated in the Account Control Panel.
  7. Communications received with respect to a particular domain name registration will be handled as follows:
    1. Domain Privacy Protector Limited will forward to the Customer all correspondence received by registered mail or traceable courier. This information may be opened, scanned and emailed to the Customer. Regular postal mail will be discarded or returned to sender at Domain Privacy Protector Limited's discretion.
    2. Email correspondence will be forwarded according to the Registrant contact specified by the Customer as they appear in Domain Privacy Protector Limited 's records.
    3. A voice mail message will advise all callers that inbound messages will not be accepted; calls will be directed to the domainprivacyprotector.com web site where written messages will be forwarded according to your instructions.
    4. Domain Privacy Protector Limited will only be responsible for forwarding communications where Domain Privacy Protector Ltd. details have appeared in the WHOIS and when your WHOIS Information is accurate, complete and up to date.
  8. Domain Privacy Protector Limited shall have the right, at their sole discretion and without liability to the Customer or any of its Contacts, suspend or cancel your domain name and to reveal Registrant and Contact WHOIS Information in certain circumstances, including but not limited to the following:
    1. when required by law;
    2. in the good faith belief that disclosure is necessary to further determination of an alleged breach of a law;
    3. to resolve any and all third party claims including but not limited to ICANN's or a Registry's dispute resolution policy;
    4. to avoid financial loss or legal liability;
    5. Domain Privacy Protector Limited believe that the Customer or one of its Contacts is using Domain Privacy Protector to conceal involvement with illegal, illicit, objectionable or harmful activities;
    6. transmit SPAM, viruses, worms or other harmful computer programs.
  9. The Customer agrees and understands that, in the event that Domain Privacy Protector Limited receives a formal complaint, notice of claim or UDRP, that Domain Privacy Protector Limited will have the right to disable Domain Privacy Protector pending final disposition of the matter.
  10. The Customer agrees that the term of Domain Privacy Protector product will run in conjunction with the term of any requested domain that the Customer wishes to register or any pre-existing domain that the Customer wishes to renew, as Customers will not be refunded for any period where Domain Privacy Protector is dormant.

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